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Marinated Piquillo Peppers

  • Preparation 15 minutes
  • Sit time 3 hours minimum


When Columbus returned to Spain in 1492, he brought back previously unknown items like chocolate, corn, tomatoes, potatoes, pumpkins, beans, turkeys and yes, chili peppers. The latter became increasingly popular in Spain because hot chillis, when dried and ground, were an inexpensive alternative to the highly sought after but then very expensive black pepper (pimienta negra in Spanish). That is the reason why chili peppers became known in Spain as red peppers (pimiento rojo), even though they are an entirely different plant.

Produced in the region of Navarra (NE Spain) and enjoying Denomination of Origin (DO) status and regulation, Piquillo de Losada peppers are triangular, about 3 inches in length, and less fleshy than bell peppers. They have a deep red color and a rather tough skin. In the US it is rare to find them fresh, but luckily, we can find great quality Spanish Piquillo peppers in tins or jars, making them the ultimate portable delicacy. The following recipe makes use of such tinned peppers. We will follow up with a recipe to make them from scratch.

Ingredients (4-6 Servings)

  • 2 glasses/cans Piquillo peppers (14oz or 350g each)
  • 6 cloves of garlic, sliced
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 cup of extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • black pepper
  • a few sprigs parsley


how to cook Marinated Piquillo Peppers 1st step

Step 1

Open the 2 glasses/cans and drain the peppers. Cut them in slices lengthwise (approximately 1/2 inch wide and 3 inch long) and put them in a clay cazuelita (clay dish) or a glass bowl.

how to cook Marinated Piquillo Peppers 2nd and 3th steps

Step 2

Mix the oil, the vinegar in another bowl. Peel the garlic and slice it in thin slices and add to the oil and vinegar. Add some salt and pepper to taste.

Step 3

Pour marinade over the Piquillo peppers and mix well. Let the peppers stand in the marinade for at least 3 hours (better overnight) before serving. Always serve the peppers at room temperature, never cold. And add a few sprigs of fresh parsley before serving.

How To Serve Piquillo Peppers

The peppers can be enjoyed on their own as a tapa on freshly sliced baguette, as a side dish for BBQ meat or fish, or alongside a Spanish tortilla de patatas.

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